Monday, November 1, 2010

My Grampie and Me

And he thought there wouldn't be anything really special about being a Grampie.
There is a certain accomplishment we felt when our children left the house.  Even though we worry (the worrying never stops) there's that feeling that we've done our part in providing and teaching our children right from wrong and hopefully that will bring them on to bigger and better things in life.  But it's the next generation that really energizes our life in a big way. 

Being a grandparent has been such a gift in our lives.  It's brought simplicity and cheerfulness into our home. It's brought fantasy and a reason to carry on what we shared with our own children, --our hobbies, our interests and most of all--our Love.  

Just the tranquility of the day with our grandchildren means so much.

For a grampie that thought it wasn't going to be anything out of the ordinary, well-- let me tell you the girls have him wrapped around their little finger.