Just wondering where my crafting blood comes from...maybe it is hereditary, passed on from gene to gene (my daughter the scientist would probably disagree).
When I was little I spent one summer with my Grandmother. What I remember most about that time, is that she used to receive sheets of fabric-- with thousands of small IZOD (an alligator was the logo) appliques.
You see, she would work at home and cut each of these applique designs off the sheet with tiny scissors. She would then send a weeks worth of little alligator designs back to the company and receive a few cents for each applique that she cut as payment for her work...the company would then attach them to the shirts that they manufactured.
During her spare time she taught me how to make yo-yo clowns, crocheted doilies, covered hangers and other crafty items. We even used her antique treadle sewing machine which was powered by a foot pump and did not require electricity. She loved having someone who was just as excited as she was --when starting new projects.
And so the story goes, when my girls were little they were all subjected to my "crafty times" of sewing, scrapbooking ....and even now ....
I love telling them about my new projects and how I am making new things from the latest tools and supplies.
..And... today I am proud to say they take pride in making crafty things for decorating or as gifts.
It makes me happy to see them enjoying the art of creativity. Creating something with their heart and soul, making gifts for the people they love.
And so the story continues with my girls sharing....
with their girls --the art of creativity, the art of crafting.