Friday, November 30, 2012


I've discovered new interest ...mixed media!!

Here is my first attempt and can't wait to start on the next.
I used an old book cover and covered it with modge podge and pages from
the book itself-- used acrylic paint bits of paper towel, scraps and the rest took off!

Here are the rest of the pages. I had thought of binding them but I love
them being loose and tying it all with a ribbon.

Can't wait to try my next project....using water color and india ink...

Monday, February 7, 2011


Just wondering where my crafting blood comes from...maybe it is hereditary, passed on from gene to gene (my daughter the scientist would probably disagree).

When I was little I spent one summer with my Grandmother. What I remember most about that time, is that she used to receive sheets of fabric-- with thousands of small IZOD (an alligator was the logo) appliques. 
You see, she would work at home and cut each of these applique designs off the sheet with tiny scissors.  She would then send a weeks worth of little alligator designs back to the company and receive a few cents for each applique that she cut as payment for her work...the company would then attach them to the shirts that they manufactured.

During her spare time she taught me how to make yo-yo clowns, crocheted doilies, covered hangers and other crafty items.  We even used her antique treadle sewing machine which was powered by a foot pump and did not require electricity.  She loved having someone who was just as excited as she was --when starting new projects.
And so the story goes, when my girls were little they were all subjected to my "crafty times" of sewing, scrapbooking ....and even now ....

I love telling them about my new projects and how I am making new things from the latest tools and supplies.

..And... today I am proud to say they take pride in making crafty things for decorating or as gifts.
It makes me happy to see them enjoying the art of creativity.    Creating something with their heart and soul, making gifts for the people they love.

And so the story continues with my girls sharing....

with their girls --the art of creativity, the art of crafting.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Christmas Sweater

Last year I purchased The Christmas Sweater by Glenn Beck and have started a book sharing process with the book to see where it travels to, hopefully it will bring some smiles to the readers and show the true meaning of Christmas.
If you receive it, read it , list your name, location, year that you read it on the book and add it to this blog site and then pass it on!!!
The first stop
Diane Fortin    Weare, NH  2009
Therese Simard   Manchester, NH  2009

PLEASE KEEP PASSING IT ON....and keep the Christmas giving, in your heart, ALL YEAR LONG!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

My Grampie and Me

And he thought there wouldn't be anything really special about being a Grampie.
There is a certain accomplishment we felt when our children left the house.  Even though we worry (the worrying never stops) there's that feeling that we've done our part in providing and teaching our children right from wrong and hopefully that will bring them on to bigger and better things in life.  But it's the next generation that really energizes our life in a big way. 

Being a grandparent has been such a gift in our lives.  It's brought simplicity and cheerfulness into our home. It's brought fantasy and a reason to carry on what we shared with our own children, --our hobbies, our interests and most of all--our Love.  

Just the tranquility of the day with our grandchildren means so much.

For a grampie that thought it wasn't going to be anything out of the ordinary, well-- let me tell you the girls have him wrapped around their little finger.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


It took dad weeks, packing his belongings into boxes, before the big move.  Such a difficult task for anyone moving out of a home filled with such wonderful memories. 

Dad sorted and packed what he was taking with him, and left the rest in boxes for us to go thru and take what we would like.  In a box of kitchen utensils, bowls and cups I found my mom's Betty Crocker Cookbook.  What a treasure!  Opening the book brought so many great memories of mom and I baking together.    I remember her tying one of her hand made aprons -- a little big for me (but covered me real well because I was a messy cook) and put me up on a chair so I could reach the bowl to stir the batter.  Mom was a great cook and always let me lick the beaters when she made her famous cake and cookie batter. 
She did have her specialties, one was her special white no other, she would make it for all those special occasions like the holidays or our birthday.

She made the best french meal-- "Ragu" which was a ground pork dish with potatoes and dark brown gravy. It was a custom for our family to have this meal on New Years day.  Mmmmmmm I can taste it now!! 

30 years ago I bought my own Betty Crocker Cookbook but it was not the didn't have character-- like my mom's cookbook.  The stains and dog eared pages represent her love for cooking and when I thumb thru the pages I still feel her love.            Missing you mom.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My Room of Scrap

It's true what they say - someone's trash is someone's treasure.
Truly the paper scrap collection in a rainbow of colors in my scrapbooking room would be considered as trash to some.   It's is a treasure to me because I can use that small piece of colorful paper in the layout of a scrapbook page, or homemade card. 

Remember that favorite blouse that you've outgrown, or maybe it has a stain from that chocolate ice cream cone you had with the family a few years ago and it's hard to let go because of the most beautiful buttons.  You'll have a much easier time getting rid of that blouse if you cut the buttons off and place them into a dish or jar.  How about those extra  buttons given to you as replacements when you buy a brand new sweater....add them to the button collection. Keep them on display or use them in your scrapbooking layout.