Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Christmas Sweater

Last year I purchased The Christmas Sweater by Glenn Beck and have started a book sharing process with the book to see where it travels to, hopefully it will bring some smiles to the readers and show the true meaning of Christmas.
If you receive it, read it , list your name, location, year that you read it on the book and add it to this blog site and then pass it on!!!
The first stop
Diane Fortin    Weare, NH  2009
Therese Simard   Manchester, NH  2009

PLEASE KEEP PASSING IT ON....and keep the Christmas giving, in your heart, ALL YEAR LONG!!

1 comment:

  1. Just wondering where the book is, at this point, don!t see any postings. If you've seen or read the book please post here...hope you enjoy the book no matter what time of the year!!
